reconnaissance facial raspberry pi

Now, it should be clear that we need to perform Face Detection before performing Face Recognition. Before we start, it is important to understand that Face Detection and Face Recognition are two different things. If the visitor at the door is recognized, the door will unlock! The Robo HAT MM1 removes the need for a PWM driver, external power, or voltage regulators. Using embedded platforms like the Raspberry Pi and open source computer vision libraries like OpenCV, you can now add face recognition to your own maker projects!In this project I'll show you how to build a treasure box which unlocks itself using face recognition running on a . Take some time to ensure your Raspberry Pi firmware and packages are up to date, and that your device is secure by following the Raspberry Pi 3 Preparation Doc tutorial. This could be done in 7 steps, because of 7 : step 1 : install csi webcam. Hardware Parts needed: Assembly And here is how it looks all put together: Software Get the source. Since we are calling it on the face cascade, that's what it detects. I'm having the same issues it says that empty face training data. nouveau monde de savoir: Les universités canadiennes et la mondialisation Une partie de ce vaste et passionnant domaine, est consacrée à la reconnaissance d'images. The list of Case Classifiers can be downloaded from the ZIP file below, Classifiers for Object detection in Python. Identifying the Target's AV by Querying DNS. . Make sure you follow the same order. C-Face uses earphones connected to a Raspberry Pi to recognise facial expressions and convert them into emoji, helping those who need hands-free communication. . To install PIL use the following command, Once installed you will get a success message as shown below, Install face_recognition: The face_recognition library for python is considered to be simplest library to recognize and manipulate faces. Like all Face Recognition systems, the tutorial will involve two python scripts, one is a Trainer program which will analyze a set of photos of a particular person and create a dataset (YML File). 11 mai 2020 - Découvrez le tableau "reconnaissance d'objet" de perso sur Pinterest. We have to append every ROI face within a variable called x_train. 4. This tutorial will help you to build a Raspberry Pi that allows you to train a Haarcascades model, detect recognised/unknown people, optionally monitor the camera in near realtime via a stream, and communicate with the IoT JumpWay sending sensor and warning messages that will allow your device to autonomously communicate with other IoT devices on your IoT JumpWay network. Raspberry Pi Face Detection with OpenCV Car or Vehicle Detection is famous technology now.I'd like to use it also for the cheap one you can use raspberry pi board with openCV in python code. 3.1.3. 8.1 Installing OpenCV Problem After working in the fulfillment center of Montelimar as temporary worker during one year, I launched the new FC located in Lauwin-Planque (112000 m2) as IT Technician. Detect, identify, and analyze faces in images and videos. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.   File "", line 9, in The hardware used in this lab includes Rasberry Pi, a camera module, servos (optional), etc. faces, roi_gray = gray[y:y+h, x:x+w] #Convert Face to greyscale, id_, conf = recognizer.predict(roi_gray) #recognize the Face, font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX #Font style for the name, name = labels[id_] #Get the name from the List using ID number, cv2.putText(img, name, (x,y), font, 1, (0,0,255), 2), cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,255,0),2), cv2.imshow('Preview',img) #Display the Video, # When everything done, release the capture, #Program to train with the faces and create a YAML file, Face_Images = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Face_Images") #Tell the program where we have saved the face images, for root, dirs, files in os.walk(Face_Images): #go to the face image directory, for file in files: #check every directory in it, if file.endswith("jpeg") or file.endswith("jpg") or file.endswith("png"): #for image files ending with jpeg,jpg or png, if pev_person_name!=person_name: #Check if the name of person has changed, Face_ID=Face_ID+1 #If yes increment the ID count, Gery_Image ="L") # convert the image to greysclae using Pillow, Crop_Image = Gery_Image.resize( (550,550) , Image.ANTIALIAS) #Crop the Grey Image to 550*550 (Make sure your face is in the center in all image), Final_Image = np.array(Crop_Image, "uint8"), faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(Final_Image, scaleFactor=1.5, minNeighbors=5) #Detect The face in all sample image, roi = Final_Image[y:y+h, x:x+w] #crop the Region of Interest (ROI), recognizer.train(x_train, np.array(y_ID)) #Create a Matrix of Training data,"face-trainner.yml") #Save the matrix as YML file, Real Time Face Recognition with Raspberry Pi and OpenCV, How to Set Up Your Own Raspberry Pi Cloud Server with Nextcloud, How to Set Up Pi-hole on Raspberry Pi Zero W to Block Ads, How to use USB Audio Device and Microphone with Raspberry Pi Zero W, How to Program Raspberry Pi Pico using C/C++ SDK, How to use Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Pico and Control an LED using Mobile, Raspberry Pi Zero W Surveillance Camera using MotionEye OS, Interface ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi Module with Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython, Interfacing Pi Camera Module with Raspberry Pi Zero W, IoT Smart Garage Door Opener using Raspberry Pi, How to Interface XBee Module with Raspberry Pi, CVQ Series Extended Medium Voltage Disc Varistors, Low-Cost Pre-selector Module for SDRs and Wideband Receivers, New Space-Saving Isolated SiC Gate Driver for Reliable Performance with Accurate PWM control, New Differential Transceiver Family with Enhanced ESD Protection Deliver High EFT Immunity for Industrial Applications, Ultra-Low Power MCU Group with Arm Cortex-M23 Core for Industrial Automation and Energy Sensitive IoT Endpoint Applications, New 3D Hall-Effect Position Sensor with SPI Bus Interface provides Ultra-High Precision for Faster Real-Time Control. Also Power your Pi with a 2A adapter and connect it to a display monitor via HDMI cable since we will not be able to get the video output through SSH. If this is the first time you have used the TechBubble IoT JumpWay in your IoT projects, you will require a developer account and some basics to be set up before you can start creating your IoT devices. Make sure the face in the image is in the middle else the face will be cropped out. Anatomy of an Image Classifier The technology opens up a whole new world of possibilities, and applies to almost every aspect of our lives. In this tutorial we will learn how we can build our own Face Recognition system using the OpenCV Library on Raspberry Pi.   File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cv2/", line 3, in AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'createLBPHFaceRecognizer', Traceback (most recent call last): Raspberry Pi. Bourns’ CVQ series varistors provide increased protection in telecommunication and AC power networks. So to reduce the values in the image we convert it to grayscale and then also resize image to 550 so that all images stay uniform. Participants are responsible for purchasing these components themselves. The following line is used to get into the folder which is placed in the CWD. A self-built system is not only less expensive than a bulky professional installation, but it also allows for total control and customization to suit your needs. Hardware-Libre. What is your image folder name and image name? ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'thonny.plugins.cpython.cv2', from .cv2 import * We begin the program by importing the required modules. It would not be possible for me to explain how exactly OpenCV detects a face or any other object for that matter. Raspberry Pi to laptop. Robo HAT MM1 is an open source robotics and automation controller for Raspberry Pi that lets you bring your robotics projects to life faster. Software Use. The variable conf tells us how confident the software is recognizing the face. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Fig.6 Raspberry Pi Camera C.Raspberry Pi 3 The Raspberry Pi 3[14] Model B+ is the most recent item in the Raspberry Pi 3 territory, flaunting a 64-bit quad center processor running at 1.4GHz, double band 2.4GHz and PoE capacity by means of a different PoE HAT. Premier jour 22 Mars 2021. . Alternatively OpenCV also allows you to create your own Classifier which can be used to detect any other object in an Image by Training your Cascade Classifier. 3. L'intelligence artificielle est une science, qui aide les machines à interagir de la "même" manière que les humains. OpenCV and Pi Camera Board ! For an example framework catches interlopers, recognizes and identifies 1. When compiled you will get the Face ID, path name, person name, and numpy array printed like shown below for debugging purpose. Now that we have our trained data ready, we can use it to recognize faces now. Using the coordinates of the rectangle vertices, my script calculates the (X,Y) position of the center of the face. The first option is the grayscale image. The complete program is again given at the end, the explanation for the same is as follows. Alors, il rêve, pense, s'évade. Car Binx est un cinéphile, de ceux qui aiment les acteurs comme des êtres chers, au point de confondre l'écran noir et la réalité. your raspberry pi version is 3.XX then your can try model = cv2.face.createEigenFaceRecognizer () Problème python opencv pour reconnaissance faciale × Après avoir cliqué sur "Répondre" vous serez invité à vous connecter pour que votre message soit publié. But, the more the number of persons the slow the program will be. I am using a Raspberry Pi V3 updated to the last version of Raspbian (Stretch), so the best way to have OpenCV installed, is to follow the excellent tutorial developed by Adrian Rosebrock: Raspbian Stretch: Install OpenCV 3 + Python on your Raspberry Pi. To get Linux Motion set up, follow the Installing Linux Motion On Your Raspberry Pi tutorial. A minimum of 5 photos for each person seems to work well. As we know it is lot easier for OpenCV to work with grayscale images than with colored images since the BGR values can be ignored. Git clone 3. . Face Counter with Raspberry Pi. Let’s take a look at the program. 6. Then draw a box around the face of the person and write the name of the person on top of the box. This should install dlib and when successful you will get a screen like this. Troisième jour 24 Mars 2021. . In this tutorial we will learn how we can build our own Face Recognition system using the OpenCV Library on Raspberry Pi. 2. Raspberry Pi+Arduino Surveillance System. In short, it performs face detection using haar-like features to analyze the video frame, and locates any faces present within it. Le grand prix du magazine Wired, récompensant l'ouvrage le plus innovant dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies a été décerné en 2004 à Intelligence de Jeff Hawkins. Without discussing the reliability of DeepStack (there are concerns about this as military drones will be managed only by an AI) it is . SAS. Raspberry Pis are commonly used as stand-alone, lightweight network computers. • Open CV:Contains different modules for face and body detection that can be programmed Look at this video. A Mirror, powered by a Raspberry Pi which recognizes people and talk with them ! To install this library follow the command. Avec SketchUp et l'impression 3D, vous prenez part depuis chez vous, à cette nouvelle révolution industrielle. Le Compound Interest Millionaire : Trichez dans vos conomies en cr ant un flux constant de revenus passifsPar Joe CorreaLe Compound Interest Millionnaire est une personne qui re oit des int r ts pay s tous les mois au lieu de ... Once the face has been detected we will crop that area and consider it as our Region of Interest (ROI). Our Project folder will consist of two python program called the and If you have faced any problem, feel free to post them on the comment section below or use the forums for other technical queries. Intel’s D455 depth camera for indoors or outdoors provides twice the range with better performance. Simple framework to setup and run facial recognition on a Raspberry Pi. En fait j'ai beau chercher des infos sur leur projet, je ne vois pas le "plus" qu'ils ont face aux autres projets comme mycroft, alexa, ou simplement Jarvis qui . step 2 : installation and compilation of userland-master (including mmal and raspicam tools) step 3 : create your own project. The program shares a lot of similarity with the trainer program, so import the same modules that we used earlier and also use the classifier since we need to perform face detection again. Once the faces have been detected we have to crop that area just like we did earlier and save it separately as roi_gray. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In my case it is my name “Aswinth” and “Elon”. mai 2012 - déc. Navigate to the directory you would like to download it to and issue the following commands, easiest is to download it to your home directory. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This hands-on tutorial shows how to use MATLAB ® with Raspberry Pi 2™ to acquire images and detect faces. OpenCV. We like to make sure that we try to provide tutorials that will help people learn to create secure projects. New - Speaker Verification System Text-Independent Speaker Authentication There are two major applications of speaker recognition technologies and methodologies. Design choices in vehicle configuration, processing, power, communications, payloads, software . See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Tshepo's connections and jobs at similar companies. HUMINT (Human Intelligence): describes information collected by and from humans, for instance via social engineering face to face, over phone . E.g. Why counting people? Retail Stores have started using Face Recognition to categorize their customers and isolate people with history of fraud. 2. Then we have to use our face detection technique to detect for faces in those photos and then compare it with all the Face ID that we have created earlier. This project is part of Microsoft’s Hack the Home initiative, which provides makers with free, open-source components for effortless interfacing with devices and services that makers use most to hack their homes. Facial Recognition is also known as Face Recognition. Computer vision (CV) allows your Raspberry Pi to "see things." In practical terms, this means that your Raspberry Pi can analyze an image, looking for items of interest, and can even recognize faces and text. Emulate Raspberry Pi with QEMU; Running Arm Binaries on x86 with QEMU-User . If we find a match we can then box the face and write the name of the person who has been recognized. Mar 29, 2019 released Raspberry Pi Zero board Who This Book Is For This book is for those who are new to the Raspberry Pi Zero ,Raspberry Pi 2 or Raspberry Pi 3 and have some experience with the original Raspberry Pi models, and even for those budding secret agents who would like to use Pi Zero as a secret agent toolbox. Raspberry pi 3 was the latest version of the raspberry pi computer. Im Profil von Salma Benamor sind 5 Jobs angegeben. For the interested, I previously covered a more thorough overview of the installation of OpenCV from source here, however, I have found that the apt package is sufficient for all but the most bleeding edge of projects. Trouvé à l'intérieurQue peuvent faire la France et l'Europe ? Dans un ouvrage accessible, documenté et vivant, Pascal Boniface vient éclairer les enjeux sociétaux et géopolitiques encore trop peu débattus de l'intelligence artificielle. Ve el perfil de Genís Aguilar López en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. to create a surveillance system using Raspberry Pis and Arduinos that can perform surveillance and sabotage missions with field-expedient capabilities. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Raspberry Pi 3 supports Windows 10 IoT Core, a slimmed down version of Windows. Trouvé à l'intérieurAcclamée comme une des grandes conteuses romantiques, l’auteure à succès du New York Times Christina Dodd propose une nouvelle collection paranormale séduisante au sujet d’une rivalité ancienne qui existe encore aujourd’hui. This example was our original version of TASS, since our move forward with more advanced computer vision libraries and frameworks, we decided to open up the source code. Then we use the recognizer variable to create a Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) Face Recognizer. Décompressez l'archive d'OpenCV que vous avez téléchargé dans un répertoire de travail. If you link this with a camera to supply the images, all sorts of possibilities open up. Mais cela m'a pris beaucoup de temps pour faire quelque . 14 Oct 2020 - 11:00AM. NodeRed connecté via MQTT à une raspberry distante qui gère la reconnaissance faciale et qui envoie l'état de la reconnaissance à une seconde raspberry qui communique avec un arduino gérant les divers actionneurs ! This directory should be placed inside your current working directory (CWD). Trouvé à l'intérieurMalgré mon âge avancé, c'était mon devoir d'ancien professeur et d'être humain de dire ma stupéfaction devant ce saccage incompréhensible et d'esquisser un portrait de ce que fut la splendeur de Palmyre qu'on ne peut plus désormais ... La phase logique suivant cela aurait dû être le fait que le robot puisse reconnaître certains de ces visages. I am using a Raspberry Pi V3 updated to the last version of Raspbian (Stretch), so the best way to have OpenCV installed, is to follow the excellent tutorial developed by Adrian Rosebrock: Raspbian Stretch: Install OpenCV 3 + Python on your Raspberry Pi. 2. Index.html. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Thanks. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. You will need to clone the TechBubble IoT JumpWay Raspberry Pi Examples repository to a location on your Raspberry Pi. We then have to load the face-trainner.yml file into our program since we will have to use the data from that file to recognize faces. To detect an object such as face OpenCV uses something called Classifiers. then use this line in your code instead of "recognizer": And then you will be face with another problem:), hey when i used the command to on my terminal it said ", ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement opencv-contrib-python (from versions: none) are not recognized naturally and it acts as a considerable measure of the storage rooms which is expected to spare the reconnaissance of data whereas Wirelesss accesss point is an application to the system. Run the program and you will find a window popping up with name preview and your video feed in it. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Trouvé à l'intérieurQu'en est-il des usages et des appropriations créatrices des images dans l'art contemporain, donc des images d'images ? Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. How will you expand the project? For instructions on use, see this article. That's right; Google built a fortune "closing the loop" by measuring clicks and views of ads, helping brands optimize their offerings; LinkedIn "closed the loop" because they allowed us to discover hidden relationships within our network, helping people get a new job or a new business deal; Amazon "closed the loop" by suggesting relevant products based on your browsing and buying habits. Raspberry Pi OpenCV Pan & Tilt Face Tracker. ShaayK 4 juin 2013 à 12:33:58. If there's one thing we learned about the digital world in the past 15 years is that successful products and services were the ones that closed the loop. If a face is recognized in the video feed you will find a box around it and if your program could recognize the face it will also display the name of the person. reconnaissance Machine Learning Deep Learning PyTorch Tool Bot Images Command-line Tools API Transformer Neural Network Network Scripts Natural Language Processing Framework Generator Automation Django Telegram Discord Video Computer Vision Games Algorithms Graph Models 3D Security Analysis Wrapper Segmentation Text Tensorflow Dataset Data . 4. TQ. … 3. Be it a simple Facebook Tag suggestion or Snapchat Filter or an advanced airport security surveillance, Face Recognition has already worked its magic in it. Notions élementaires sur le deep learning et computer vision sur Raspberry pi. With the introduction of Microsoft's Project Oxford, facial recognition applications are now more accessible to makers than ever before. If the confidence level is greater than 80, we get the name of the person using the ID number using the below line of code. Steven Pinker dirige le centre de neurosciences cognitives du Massachusetts Institute for Technology. A Face Counter with Raspberry Pi + Web Camera In this project we explore a face counter device using: 1. I'm working in the fulfillment center of Lauwin-Planque since July 2013. Finally convert all these images to numpy array to get a mathematical value for the images. So I have created only two sub-directories with pictures like show below. . Next in the variable labels, you have to write the name of the persons that were mentioned in the folder. Run path\to\venv\python.exe -m pip install face_recognition to install face_recognition. The second is the scaleFactor. Facial recognition with OpenCV and the camera module on the #RaspberryPi. # this makes them available This project utilizes a Raspberry Pi, basic Webcam, and an internet connection to create a door that unlocks itself via facial recognition. 10. This function detects the actual face and is the key part of our code, so let's go over the options: The detectMultiScale function is a general function that detects objects. You can use it to create autonomous cars and drones. Im Profil von Christoph Heil sind 7 Jobs angegeben. | Think RPI. When you compile this program you will find that the face-trainner.yml file gets updated every time. AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'createLBPHFaceRecognizer', I also have the same problem. I am getting like one frame for every 3 seconds. Appel à résister contre le ministère de l'Identité nationale. Réflexion sur les fondements de cette institution qui risque d'édifier des murs identitaires au sein de la démocratie française. Both the programs that we will discuss here are for Raspberry Pi (Linux), but will also work on Windows Computers with very slight changes. Pré-requis Installation via les dépôts officiels Par compilation Dépendances Compiler les sources pour Karmic Ouvrez un terminal et tapez: # On se place dans le dossier personnel (par exemple) cd # On télécharge les sources de OpenCV sur sourceforge wget # On désarchive le dossier tar -xjf OpenCV-2.0.0.tar.bz2 # On efface l'archive, on crée un dossier build et on va dedans rm -r OpenCV-2.0.0.tar.bz2 mkdir cd # Et on installe cmake .. Méthode manuelle (vétuste?) Dans ce qui suit on vous explique comment concevoir un système de reconnaissance faciale robuste sur un Raspberry Pi 3 tout en respectant la contrainte d'un coût de calcul minimal. Step 5 - Prepare photos. Step 2 - Install RPI softwares (OS+tools) Step 3 - Install softwares (for webcam and computer vision) Step 4 - Understand Face Detect and Face Recognition. A Classifier file called “haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml” which is used to detect faces. Since some faces may be . For detecting and reconnaissance, raspberry-Pi and controls movement sensor and camcorder. Image/Video Capture 2. La reconnaissance faciale sur le robot avec OpenCV et le raspberry Pi. Way two (recommended if you have only one version of python installed (3.6 or older)) Run pip install dlib and wait for this to run - it took ten minutes on my intel i7 core, and made the fan go crazy, so be prepared to wait. Skilled in Java, Python, Databases, and Streaming Analytics/ETL. We already have series of Tutorials for beginners for getting started with OpenCV, you can check all the OpenCV tutorials here. Cette bibliothèque est distribuée sous licence BSD . And finally a trainer file called “face-trainner.yml” which will be generated using the program based on the Images present inside the Face_Images Folder. #Program to Detect the Face and Recognise the Person based on the data from face-trainner.yml, import numpy as np #For converting Images to Numerical array, from PIL import Image #Pillow lib for handling images, face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml'), recognizer = cv2.createLBPHFaceRecognizer(), cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) #Get vidoe feed from the Camera, ret, img = # Break video into frames, gray  = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #convert Video frame to Greyscale, faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, scaleFactor=1.5, minNeighbors=5) #Recog. surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions. This project uses LBPH (Local Binary Patterns Histograms) Algorithm to detect . We will see more on how to use Classifiers in the Programming section. Smart Reconnaissance and Apprise System using Raspberry Pi Dec 2017 - Apr 2018 It detects the fire or intruder in the house and alerts the owner by SMS or video call through IOT using Raspberry Pi. When installed successfully you should see a screen like shown below. Facial Recognition Sep 2016 - Dec 2016 -projet avec FAURECIA (développe, fabrique et commercialise des composants et équipements auto à destination des constructeurs automobiles en France): reconnaissance facial de l'utilisateur. UNE RESSOURCE CLE Réseaux d'ordinateurs est une ressource clé pour les professionnels qui veulent avoir une référence sur les réseaux, pour mettre à jour leurs connaissances ou pour comprendre ce qui se cache derrière les protocoles. The New Raspberry Pi . Veja o perfil de Rafael CostaRafael Costa no LinkedIn, a maior comunidade profissional do mundo. Face Detection and Tracking With Arduino and OpenCV: UPDATES Feb 20, 2013: In response to a question by student Hala Abuhasna if you wish to use the .NET Serial class, use the naming convention "\\\\.\\COMn" and replace n with a number > 9 to define your com port for COM ports above … So make sure you to install OpenCV Library on Pi before proceeding with this tutorial.     recognizer = cv2.createLBPHFaceRecognizer() China has started using Face Recognition in schools to monitor student’s attendance and behaviors. Facial recognition with OpenCV and the camera module on the #RaspberryPi. The advantage of installing this system on portable Raspberry Pi is that you can install it anywhere to work it as surveillance system. Facial Recognition & Identification on Raspberry Pi. You can learn more about Face Detection Classifiers here. UnoArduSim : A Simulator to Learn Arduino Programming and Debugging Codes without Arduino Board, How to Debug an Arduino Project – A better way to Write your Arduino Codes. Make sure you have placed this xml file in your project folder else you will face an error. Home security systems are a growing field of projects for Makers. Think RPI | Creative Raspberry Pi Area. I am getting an error that says empty training data. Ce livre présente les concepts qui sous-tendent l'apprentissage artificiel, les algorithmes qui en découlent et certaines de leurs applications. How can I fix this? Also do not expect it to be very accurate, our trainer data is very simple so the program will not be very reliable. It cannot process my image eventhough I have change my image to jpg fromm jpeg because the original image is in jpg. Worked as an active member in The Electronix Club(TEC) at Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology(SNIST) where I learned few points on Raspberry Pi and Arduino Completed my final year project on Artificial Vision Assisting System (including Facial recognition using Raspberry Pi and using python) . The app was developed by Redpepper using open source technology including Raspberry Pi, . Make sure pip is installed and then proceed with installing the following packages.

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