Articles in this section. 2017.05.23 13:11:39 3: Can’t open /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Rademacher_DuoFern_USB-Stick_WR04ZFOA-if00-port0: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden (Also nicht über den Z-Wave). very interesting solution. 2018-04-19 20:28:13 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling There are not so many users, who do use the “very-open” HA and the “very-closed” Rademacher DuoFern together. meanwhile I have also received my Rademacher Duofern stick. Read the manual to see how to activate the pairing mode on the device. Read the manual to see how to activate the pairing mode on the device. Welche Nummer steht auf dem Stick? Do you also have experience with the “DuoFern Umweltsensor 9475”? Rademacher USB-Stick am ioBroker? it looks really complicated for me. I recently ported some of the FHEM code to python to get my Duofern rollershutters to work with HomeAssistant and a USB Duofern stick. In that group you will find your device. It hilarious because when my friend used to work in the store he said the average customer hated when they separated the brick and cable for usb c. When customers came in. Programmiertests folgen dann nach Einbau. *** Wheezy@Raspi(3), HMWLAN+HMUART, CUL868(SlowRF) für FHT+KS+FS20, miniCUL433, Rademacher DuoFern *** "... kaum macht man es richtig, funktioniert es ...". The new mqtt device should be listet under “Everything” (left menu). There should be plenty tutorials online for that. After this line I miss the command. DEF /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Rademacher_DuoFern_USB-Stick_WR04ZFOA-if00-port0@115200 6F1A2B DeviceName. And you can publish messages to see if you can control the device. You should see the status of every available attribute under “Readings”. it should be possible to follow your instructions to make it work, right? Cheers, Make sure all dependencies are installed 2018-05-04 20:21:59,740: paired new device 40b7c2 Rademacher USB-Stick am ioBroker? 2018-05-04 20:22:52,929: paired new device 40b7c2 Das ist eigentlich OT, weil es das Modul Rademacher nicht betrifft . The DUOFERNSTICK is the fhem module for the Rademacher DuoFern USB stick. Since I did not find the time to polish it sufficently to submit to homeassistant one still needs to put custom component code into the conf dir to get it working with homeassistant. 0 оценок / 0 отзывов. .mit dem Homepilot beim SX5 funktioniert, jetzt auch schon mit FHEM funktioniert. On the left menu in Fhem you will find a group called “DUOFERN”. Hat schon jemand Erfahrungen gemacht mit dem orig. RADEMACHER addZ illuminant (available from mid-August). I think you pointed me right at the problem and I hope I fixed it. I recommend something like this: The following command will create all necessary attributes to publish all “Readings”. I installed it in a virtual environment and get the following error on HA startup: 2018-04-19 20:16:18 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Error loading custom_components.cover.duofern. Now i try to connect this settings with amazon alexa. The usb stick will receive this message and Fhem will automatically create a new device. Difference is the middle part of the id. Maybe this is only for the RolloTrons? However, there are some open questions to me (thanks to the (imo) confusing Rademacher system): What should the modes “DAWN” and “DUSK” do? I have look into the fhem log but there is now entry if i click on a button. Feel free to get back to me if you encounter problems. Whoa that's genius, I wonder if the USB C port would also support fast charging if you decided to use a USB C to C cable instead. Should be: Die MQTT-Bridge ist eingerichtet und ich konnte über einen MQTT Befehl den Rollladen auf Position 50 fahren. “set Rademacher pair” dont work, the enabled pairing mode on the device does not work. I have a problem with the custom_component. USB-Sticks Alle Kategorien Alexa Skills Amazon Geräte Amazon Global Store Amazon Pantry Amazon Warehouse Apps & Spiele Audible Hörbücher Auto & Motorrad Baby Baumarkt Beauty Bekleidung Beleuchtung Bücher Bürobedarf & Schreibwaren Computer & Zubehör Drogerie & Körperpflege DVD. At the top you get a white text field to enter commands. 2017.05.23 13:13:39 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at ./FHEM/ line 554. Hi Rakaandro, I want to keep my installation clean and simple. File “”, line 971, in _find_and_load Use only "USB _PRW 0x6D (instant wake)" or "USB _PRW 0x0D (instant wake)" as it relates to existing code in your DSDT (also note specific versions of these patches for Skylake and later). return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File “”, line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked Der HomePilot bietet eine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, mit der Sie alle kompatiblen Smart Home Geräte ganz einfach via Browser oder in Verbindung mit Ihrem. Leider funktioniert bei mir nicht alles. Open it. Is somebody interested or know how to use Rademacher DuoFern-components with Home Assistant?? danke für das super Tutorial. Installing pyduofern manually in your virtualenv via pip3 install git+ should fix he error you got. Click “Save Config” below the Fhem logo every now and then. Could you please share you file? Install Fhem. 3200 2019 868,42 Mhz. IIRC the one with the antenna wire is for a different RF protocol. If you find a way to adapt the translation for a custom component I’d be glad to use it for renaming. No matching distribution found for pyduofern, exception=, source=util/> Now you can check if everything works by subscribing to the “state/fhem/” topic with a MQTT client. Check if the items in openHAB create and receive the necessary mqtt messages. Currently I only have 2 Rolloport Duofern Standard and I’m thinking about which operating unit I should buy. TYPE DUOFERNSTICK. If you use docker, like I did on my Raspberry Pi, you need to specify your usb device. Which one do I need for using with a RPI with HA? 2018-05-04 20:22:52,929: paired new device 40a9f3 Yes. Computer Memory Card Reader-USB Stick HomePilot®. It is kind of like a “thing” or “bridge” in openHAB. In openHAB habe ich die default.items und default.sitemap angelegt. Try pip3 install --ugprade git+ in your virtualenv and see if it fixes the problem. I don’t know if the sleep commands are necessary. 2018-05-04 20:22:52,929: paired new device 40b7bb If you see messages the question would be if fhem is subscribing to the topics correctly. Abdeckung is a strange word indeed, but possibly the best match for the english “cover”. source:, Once you installed Fhem you should be able to open the web interface. 2017.05.23 13:11:39 3: Opening Rademacher device /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Rademacher_DuoFern_USB-Stick_WR04ZFOA-if00-port0 DongleSerial 6F1A2B Thank you very much for sharing this solution! Currently the python module lives as pyudofern on github. Ordered a new one and it is the same behavior. Check the Fhem log (web interface) to see if the device is paired. I solved this by copying the folder pyduofern and serial into the virtual environment, but now: 2018-04-19 20:28:13 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package pyduofern: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pyduofern (from versions: ) In FHEM it is already running… here are the links to the FHEM-code for duofern-stick and duofern. I dont see any devices in the log: Works fine now. Ok, it seems, that the devices with id cc are not working: entering pairing mode I’m using DuoFern radio-controlled rollershutter together with a “Rademacher Homepilot 2”. File “”, line 665, in _load_unlocked I think it is no problem of the distance from sender to the Rollotron. see: Hopefully I will figure this out soon. There’s an assciinema on showing the non-homeassistant part of the setup. DeviceName /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Rademacher_DuoFern_USB-Stick_WR04ZFOA-if00-port0@115200 Ok, at least for my RolloTubes this doesn’t work. I can control the shutter via the python scripts and home assistant. 2018-04-19 20:28:13 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling :8083/. Feel free to open an issue or a pull request on the repo if you find documentation or implementation is lacking. NR 32 <br>. ZigBee CC2531 USB Dongle USB Sniffer Protocol Analyzer Development Board os12. btw: I currently have an issue where fhem does not publich any info to mqtt after I reinstalled my setup again. http://192.168.1xx.xx/ (change IP to your Homepilot) neues Modul: Rademacher DuoFern USB Stick, Antw:neues Modul: Rademacher DuoFern USB Stick, Zitat von: Rampler am 08 April 2017, 10:59:44, Zitat von: Pfriemler am 08 April 2017, 09:18:28, Zitat von: Telekatz am 08 April 2017, 11:16:19, Zitat von: Pfriemler am 08 April 2017, 13:25:59,, Zitat von: MichaelO am 10 November 2015, 20:50:28, How can I change this to roller shutter, shutter or Rolladen? Insert the following command to add your usb stick. Plug in the DuoFern usb stick to your server (or wherever you want to install Fhem). Video tutorial on addZ light bulbs and addZ USB stick. after couple hours it works fine now with all enocean actors/rollershutters. Just get your devices to work with Fhem and configure the MQTT bridge (in Fhem and in openhab). Unfortunatelly there is no openhab binding yet. This should work very fast without any noticeable delay. 2018-04-19 20:28:13 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform cover.duofern: Could not install all requirements.
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